Environment (TCFD Disclosure)

Our Group's Approach to Climate Change Issues

We in the Nihon Chouzai Group regard addressing climate change issues as an important part of sustainability management, and in June 2022 we expressed our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Our Group's disclosures based on the TCFD recommendations can be found in our Sustainability Data Book. The CO2 emissions of the Nihon Chouzai Group are shown below.

CO2 emissions of our group (t−CO2e)





Scope1: 5,766

Scope2: 35,205


Scope1: 5,454

Scope2: 31,612


Scope1: 5,175

Scope2: 25,086

Scope1+2: 30,261


GHG emission(t-CO2)
【Category 1】Purchased goods and services
【Category 2】Capital goods
【Category 3】Fuel and energy related activities
【Category 4】Upstream transportation and distribution
【Category 5】Waste generated in operations
【Category 6】Business travel
【Category 7】Employee commuting
【Category 8】Upstream leased assets
【Category 9】Downstream transportation and distribution
【Category 10】Processing of sold products
【Category 11】Use of sold products
【Category 12】End-of-life treatment of sold products
【Category 13】Downstream leased assets
【Category 14】Franchises
【Category 15】Investments

Dispensing Pharmacy Business

In the Dispensing Pharmacy Business, we are working to lower our environmental impact by creating environmentally aware pharmacies, promoting the use of personal shopping bags, and reducing unused medications. While considering convenience for the patients who visit our pharmacies, we will comply with all environmental laws and regulations and take proactive measures to protect the environment, while striving to make effective use of resources across all of our business activities.
Change to LED lighting
Promote use of LED lighting in stores

Electricity consumption has been reduced by switching to LED lighting for signboard and controlling it with timer

Reduction of electricity consumption
Reduced electricity consumption by installing sensor lights in restrooms so they turn off when not in use

Reduced load on air conditioning equipment by installing heat blocking film on windows

Used natural ventilation

Reduction of water consumption
Installed water conserving toilets that use less water
Reduction of CO2 emissions
Opted for wooden buildings that use less energy in the manufacturing process and produce less CO2 during construction
Reduction of environmental impact
Adopted wood flooring compliant with Act on Promoting Green Procurement
Reduction of copy paper consumption
Digital storage of PDFs, employee card authentication for printing, double-sided printing, and N-up printing (compositing data from multiple pages into a single-page layout)
Systematization of approval work
Paperless operations with an internal work flow system for requests for decision, expense settlement, and other procedures
Adoption of hybrid vehicles
Use of hybrid vehicles for company cars
Collection of needles
Collection of needles from syringes used for insulin and other medicines and proper disposal as medical waste
Promotion of reusable shopping bags
Promoted use of reusable shopping bags at stores for the future of the planet

Worked on environmental conservation by changing to plastic bags made from biomass materials

Reducing Unused Medications

If patients receive a new prescription while still having unused medications at home, they may confuse the new and unused medications and use them incorrectly. Likewise, they may take unused medications without realizing they are past their expiration date. There is a chance that this will interfere with the correct use of medications at the correct dosage.
Amount of Unused Medication Adjustments

Reducing unused medications is not only necessary to ensure that patients use drugs properly, but also leads to fewer drugs being thrown away.

At Nihon Chouzai pharmacies, pharmacists can confirm the status and number of medications and contact the prescribing doctor to have them adjust prescription lengths.

Pharmacists are also seeking to reduce unused medications by preparing memos explaining the situation for patients to give to the doctor directly at their next visit.

Pharmacies also collect medications to be disposed of.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Sales Business

The Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Sales Business renovates the production facilities it acquires, installing the latest equipment to ensure low CO2 emissions, fresh-water usage, and electrical power usage. Newly constructed plants are designed from the planning stages to be environmentally friendly. We will continue to make investments and take initiatives to reduce our impact on the environment.
Change to LED lighting
Reduce electricity consumption by switching to LED lighting at Nihon Generic Tsukuba Plant, Tsukuba No. 2 Plant and Choseido Pharmaceutical Tokushima Research Institute.
Reduction of water and electricity consumption
Decreased chiller load with mist spray cooling using plant wastewater and reduced power consumption at Nihon Generic Tsukuba No. 2 Plant, Choseido Pharmaceutical Headquarters No. 2 Plant.
Reduction of water consumption and liquefied
Introduced simultaneous cold and heat pump system. Decreased chiller load with mist spray cooling using plant wastewater and reduced liquefied petroleum gas at Choseido Pharmaceutical.
Reduced power consumption
Adoption of ultra-high-rate transformer capable of reducing loss by about 35% for top runner transformers at Nihon Generic Tsukuba No. 2 Plant.

Decreased air conditioning load by adopting low air flowtype draft chamber at Nihon Generic Tsukuba No. 2 Plant

Installation of solar panels to reduce the amount of electricity received by using the power generated at Nihon Generic Tsukuba No. 2 Plant, Choseido Pharmaceutical.

Carbon Neutral City Gas Introduced at Three Sites in Tsukuba

  • カーボンニュートラルLNGのロゴマーク
    In February 2022, Nihon Generic introduced Tokyo Gas’ carbon neutral city gas*1 at its Tsukuba Plant, Tsukuba Plant No.2, and Tsukuba Research Institute, and joined the Carbon Neutral LNG Buyers Alliance*2.

    Nihon Generic was first in the generic drug sector to introduce carbon neutral city gas supplied by Tokyo Gas. The move is expected to cut CO2 emissions by a total of roughly 4,000 tons per year at the three sites.

*1 Gas made from liquefied natural gas (carbon neutral LNG), which offsets the greenhouse gases generated in the process from extraction to combustion of the natural gas with CO2 credits (carbon offset) and so is deemed to not generate CO2 on a global scale even when combusted.

*2 An alliance bringing together Tokyo Gas, which procures and supplies carbon neutral LNG, and companies that buy carbon neutral LNG to increase the use of carbon neutral LNG and improve its utility value, with the aim of achieving a carbon neutral society.

Municipal Gas Usage

CO2 Emissions

Freshwater or Water Consumption

Electric Power Consumption

Total Waste Generated

Amount Recycled

Nihon Chouzai Top Sustainability ESG Environment (TCFD Disclosure)