Organization and Activities of Internal Control System

Committee Organization

The purpose, related departments, and activities of each committee are as described below.

Nomination and Compensation Committee

To strengthen the fairness, transparency, and objectivity of procedures related to the nomination and compensation of directors, and to further enhance the corporate governance framework.
Related departments
 Human Resources Department, General Affairs Department
Committee activities
Meets at least once a year.

Compliance Committee

To ensure thorough compliance and gain the greater trust of society by defining basic matters related to compliance actions and constructing and properly managing a compliance framework.
Related departments
Risk Management and Compliance Office, General Affairs Department, System Departments I and II, Pharmaceutical Headquarters (Pharmaceutical Administration Department, Education and Information Department), Accounting Department, Human Resources Department, Public Relations Department, Audit and Supervisory Committee
Committee activities
In principle, the Compliance Committee meets once every three months. It reports and shares information, such as on compliance activities and upcoming plans, compliance education, measures to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, labor compliance, and the internal reporting system. Subsidiaries hold similar meetings. To raise employee awareness of compliance, the committee publishes a monthly “Compliance Education” corner on the corporate intranet as well as distributing a newsletter and email magazine.

Risk Management Committee

To implement risk management for the Nihon Chouzai Group.
Related departments
Same as Compliance Committee
Committee activities
In principle, the Risk Management Committee meets once every three months. It reports and shares information, such as on the progress of risk management and upcoming plans, and business continuity plans.

Subsidiaries hold similar meetings.

Information Security Committee

To protect all information assets held by the Nihon Chouzai Group and to build an information security framework to gain customer satisfaction and the trust of society by complying with laws, regulations, and other rules.
Related departments
Same as Compliance Committee
Committee activities
In principle, the Information Security Committee meets once every three months. Nihon Chouzai’s information security policy sets out the conditions for ensuring security as defined in the Security Guidelines for Medical Information Systems published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The committee reports and shares information on the information management activities of each department, such as any intentional or negligent information security violations by employees or cyber security incidents.

Medical Safety Committee

To promote appropriate medical safety management and contribute to the safe provision of healthcare.
Related departments
Pharmaceutical Headquarters (Pharmaceutical Administration Department, Education and Information Department), Risk Management and Compliance Office, General Affairs Department, Audit and Supervisory Committee
Committee activities
The Medical Safety Committee discusses all events related to medical safety management. It also discusses the revision of measures to prevent recurrence of safety incidents and improve safety.

Sustainability Committee

To achieve sustainable growth, to enhance corporate value over the medium to long term and to pursue social sustainability through our business activities.
Related departments
Sustainability Supervision Office
Committee activities
In principle, the Sustainability Committee meets twice a year. The Sustainability Committee supervises and evaluates the progress of activities identifying materiality (key issues), incorporates the concept of sustainability into corporate and business strategies, and deliberates on compliance with, and participation in, international guidelines, while reporting to the Board of Directors as deemed appropriate.

Formulation and Dissemination of Rules and Regulations

To ensure the appropriateness of the Group’s business operations, Nihon Chouzai has formulated various rules, operation flow charts and manuals, a Compliance Policy, business continuity plans, and a disaster response pocket manual. It seeks to ensure employee awareness of these matters by circulating materials and posting them on the corporate intranet.
Nihon Chouzai Top Sustainability ESG Corporate Governance Organization and Activities of Internal Control System