Basic Sustainability Policy and promotion structure
Basic Sustainability Policy
We in the Nihon Chouzai Group are aware that sustainability is a key element of management strategies for enhancing corporate value over the medium to long term. Based on dialogues and collaborations with a wide range of stakeholders, we are building fair and highly transparent management platforms that respect human rights and take environmental protection into account. Through our business activities, we will work to solve social issues in the medical and healthcare fields and pursue social sustainability.
Sustainability promotion structure
We continue to incorporate sustainability into its management strategies, in keeping with the company’s basic sustainability policy. For this reason, decisions on important items involving sustainability will be made by the Board of Directors. We will also establish a Sustainability Committee directly under the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors. This Committee, which will be chaired by President and CEO, meets twice a fiscal year in principle to supervise and evaluate the progress of activities against the identified materiality (key issues), incorporate the results into business strategies, and deliberate on compliance with, and participation in, international guidelines, while reporting to the Board of Directors as deemed appropriate. Sustainability activities will be undertaken by the various divisions, with the divisions responsible being clearly indicated. The Sustainability Supervision Office bears responsibility for execution functions, building structures to reliably promote activities in collaboration with the various divisions.