This is a list of analysts from securities companies and research institutes that have analyzed the performance of our business and recommend or comment on our stock.

As of May 31st, 2024 (Japanese syllabary order of company name/honorifics omitted)

Company name


Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.

Kazuki Furuyama

SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.

Kenya Matsuo

*This list has been prepared in accordance with the Company’s standards based on information available to us as of publication. As such, be advised that there may be analysts who are not included in this list, that this list does not imply that the Company endorses or supports the analysts listed here, and that all information may not be up to date.


*Analysts use their own judgment to analyze and forecast the performance, business, products, and technologies of the Company. The Company has no involvement whatsoever in making these forecasts.


*This list is published for the purpose of providing investors with information on analysts and their affiliated organizations that analyze and forecast the Company’s business performance. It is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell the Company’s stock. Any investments are to be made at your own discretion based on your personal judgment.