Toward the realization of “Long-Term Vision 2035,
We will grow into a group that continues to enbrace challenges without fear of change.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our shareholders for their continued support.
The first half of the fiscal year ending March 2025 for the Nihon Chouzai Group was a challenging period due to the impact of the revision of medical fees, as well as the exposure of deficiencies in manufacturing management in the pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales business. We have taken this situation seriously and are already implementing measures to improve performance in the second half of the fiscal year, including expanding sales, improving profitability, and strengthening quality control and stable supply, based on the current challenging business environment.
In the dispensing pharmacy business, we will work to increase the number of prescriptions we fill by responding to all kinds of needs through measures such as expanding the handling of specialty pharmaceuticals by strengthening our ties with medical institutions, strengthening our role as a family pharmacy, and promoting at-home medical care.
In the pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales business, we will focus on expanding sales, aiming to swiftly rectify the manufacturing management deficiencies at Choseido Pharmaceutical and the early acquisition of a share of the market for new drugs listed in the NHI drug price list that were launched in December.
In the medical professional staffing and placement business, we will work to strengthen our sales and customer attraction capabilities with the aim of further expanding our successful pharmacist staffing business and physician placement business.
Despite the challenging business environment, we have formulated our “Long-term Vision 2035” as a compass to guide us towards achieving sustainable growth, with a view to the future, and we released it in September 2024. Our mission, as set out in our Group philosophy, is “To give people the closest possible support.” Based on this mission, we will evolve towards our desired state in 2035, to become “The most trusted partner in healthcare.”
In addition, as financial targets, we aim to increase ROE and ROIC to 15% each and operating income to 40-50 billion yen by the fiscal year ending March 2036. We will do our utmost as a group to address current management issues and achieve future growth.
We sincerely ask for the continued support and encouragement of our shareholders.
Naoto Kasai
President and CEO