To be the Most Trusted Partner in Healthcare To be the Most Trusted Partner in Healthcare
The Kind of Group We Want to Become

To be the Most
Trusted Partner in


Towards becoming a Group that gives people the closest possible support, continuing to embrace challenges without the fear of change

CEO Message CEO Message

Towards becoming a Group
that gives people the closest
possible support, continuing to embrace challenges without
the fear of change


Where Nihon Chouzai has been

The Nihon Chouzai Group started out with a single pharmacy.
Guided by an unchanging mission,
the Group has become what it is today buoyed by strengths
cultivated over more than four decades and the value we have accumulated.

Strengths Cultivated over More Than Four Decades

  • Quality

    As healthcare professionals, we have been committed to providing the highest-quality healthcare services. Our firm commitment to quality is a strength that has remained unchanged since our founding.
    Drawing on this strength, the Nihon Chouzai Group has been able to deliver safe, secure healthcare, gaining the trust of countless patients.

    Quality Quality
  • Flexibility

    Amid significant changes to the environment for healthcare in Japan, we have pursued healthcare that is truly indispensable, addressing a spectrum of changing needs without being locked into past practices.
    The Group continues to draw on this flexibility as a unique advantage.

    Flexibility Flexibility
  • Pioneering Spirit

    The ability to anticipate the times and embrace new challenges ahead of others is a unique strength of the Group, unchanged since our founding, that has enabled us to achieve significant growth. We will continue to take initiative in creating new value to contribute to the future of healthcare while supporting people in various aspects of their lives.

    Pioneering Spirit Pioneering Spirit
Result for FY2023
  • consolidated net sales consolidated net sales
  • operating profit operating profit

*Consolidated net sales and operating profit are the sums for the three business segments.
Adjustments have not been eliminated. All figures are rounded down to the nearest unit, while ratios are rounded up or down to the nearest unit.


Where the Nihon Chouzai Group is going

We announced Long-Term Vision 2035 in September 2024.
Under this vision, management will continue evolving to realize the kind of Group we envision to be, steadily pursuing strategies formulated by backcasting from our future goals.

The Kind of Group We Want to Become

United in its unchanging mission of giving people the closest possible support,
the Nihon Chouzai Group has set out a vision of becoming the most trusted partner in healthcare.
We also formulated three pillars that embody the kind of Group we want to become to achieve our long-term vision.

  • Becoming the most vibrant and
    energetic Group in Japan
    Becoming the most vibrant and energetic Group in Japan Becoming the most vibrant and energetic Group in Japan
  • Becoming a Group that can
    address all kinds of needs
    Becoming a Group that can address all kinds of needs Becoming a Group that can address all kinds of needs
  • Becoming a Group that
    continues to innovate
    Becoming a Group that continues to innovate Becoming a Group that continues to innovate

How Nihon Chouzai Will Create the Future

This section paints an overall picture of our value creation.
We aim to help address social issues and enhance long-term corporate value by reinforcing the five types of assets that are sources of our growth and by engaging in business activities that support people in various aspects of their lives.

Human Capital Strategy

The Nihon Chouzai Group thinks of employees as human capital, a critical management resource.
Our aim in reinforcing human capital is to deepen employee understanding of the Group philosophy and gain employee buy-in for it, as well as to create a vibrant workplace where employees can pour themselves into their work. In this way, we will strive to contribute to society while enhancing our corporate value over the longer term.

Enhancing human assets and organizational value through
measures linked to the three pillars
Enhancing human assets and organizational value through 
measures linked to the three pillars Enhancing human assets and organizational value through 
measures linked to the three pillars

Business Overview

Dispensing Pharmacy Business

Nihon Chouzai Co., Ltd., other dispensing subsidiaries

Net sales

302.8Billion yen

Pharmacies with
family pharmacists


Operating profit

15.1Billion yen

Number of Pharmacies


(As of March 31, 2024)

Dispensing Pharmacy Business Dispensing Pharmacy Business

A leading company in the pharmacy sector

Information Provision and
Consulting Business

Japan Medical Research Institute, Inc.

* Information Provision and Consulting Business results are included in the Dispensing Pharmacy Business segment.

Supporting customers through four
businesses based on medical big data

Survey and
research service

Data health
support service

Advertising media service

Drug information service

Information Provision and Consulting Business Information Provision and Consulting Business

Providing high value-added information and services

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Sales Business

Nihon Generic Co., Ltd., Choseido Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Net sales

40.4Billion yen

Number of drugs on the market

(including one over-the-counter drugs)

Operating profit

0.2Billion yen

Development and manufacturing bases

5plants 1laboratory

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Sales Business Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Sales Business

A manufacturer of a full line of generic drugs

Medical Professional Staffing and
Placement Business

Medical Resources Co., Ltd.

Net sales

9.9Billion yen

Operating profit

0.9Billion yen

The five businesses developed by Medical Resources

  • Pharmacist businesses
  • Doctor business
  • Nurse business
  • Healthcare business
  • Registered pharmaceutical seller business
Medical Professional Staffing and Placement Business Medical Professional Staffing and Placement Business

An HR services company specializing in professionals in healthcare fields


A foundation to support value creation

Recognizing that building a more robust foundation is essential to achieving sustainable value creation and enhancing corporate value, we will steadily put initiatives in place to reinforce our sustainability management and governance.

Roundtable Discussion with Outside Directors

What is needed for the Nihon Chouzai Group to achieve Long-Term Vision 2035? The four outside directors sat down to exchange their views on where the Group currently stands, their hopes for the future, and outstanding issues, among other topics.

A New Step Forward for the Nihon Chouzai Group:
Current Challenges and Hopes Going Forward


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